SeniorFlow Moment – Happy 97th Birthday, Dick Van Dyke



Remember Dick Van Dyke, his hilarious namesake television show, and his many great Movies including Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Mary Poppins? Dick Van Dyke turns 97 years old today, December 13th. He was born on this day, 1925. Wow!

I have seen recent descriptions of Dick Van Dyke as still tireless, active, fit, unstoppable and so forth. He still entertains his friends and family with exhuberant and enthusiastic song and dance. He is as enthusiastic and positive about life as ever and dances with his wife in public when the opportunity arises.

He is known for his active lifestyle and his addiction to exercise and good health. He used to say (while in his 80s) that his 45 minutes in the gym was the best part of his day.

Here is a link to a YouTube video of part of his exercise routine two years ago at age 95 (please forgive the ever present ad at the beginning of the video).

The following is his whimsical quote about his reason for exercise (written while in his eighties):

“In my seventies, I exercised to stay ambulatory.
In my eighties, I exercise to avoid assisted living.” — Dick Van Dyke

Happy 97th Birthday, Dick Van Dyke. May you have many more.

Thank you for reading this SeniorFlow Moment.