A SeniorFlow Moment – 20 Reasons for Seniors to Take Care of Their Bodies

I was at the beach for this past week with my wife and grandson. In between long walks on the beach, trips to the skatepark with my grandson, and various other “beachy” things, I managed to make a list of some of the reasons Seniors Must Take Care of their Physical Bodies. Here are twenty of them:

20 Reasons Seniors Must Take
Care of Their Bodies

  • Keep your Internal Infrastructure Strong
  • Get up and down from the floor
  • Maintain survivor strength and flexibility. Be able to help others in an emergency
  • Remain physically independent
  • Prevent and/or recover from falls
  • Participate in the things you WANT to do
  • Be able to physically engage with your grandkids (if any)
  • Hold onto your driver’s license until you’re a lot older than you are now.
  • Avoid serious, long, lingering, debilitating illness
  • Be able to move freely, comfortably and confidently
  • Avoid stereotypical Senior behavior
  • Continue to “show up” when and where you want to “show up”
  • Be a role model for other seniors
  • Stay mobile in mind and body
  • Keep your mind sharp and YOUR ENERGY HIGH!
  • Look good in the mirror
  • Feel alive, full of life, and ageless
  • Not have as many necessary doctor’s appointments
  • Live a long time and enjoy life to the fullest
  • Look good to others. Show off.

If you can come with more, let me know at bob@seniorflow.net. Some of the above are very similar but not duplicates.

Thank you for reading.