SeniorFlow Moment 001 – Transition

As I have mentioned in my past several posts, I am transitioning to an new Name and website — From to It is also a transition from “Energy Bites” to “SeniorFlow Moments”.

Other than the change of name, nothing else has changed. It’s the same message of Health, Fitness and Personal Energy for Active Seniors. The emphasis is on having a positive aging experience with the energy and enthusiasm to live a long, healthy and independent life.

The science of aging is changing and gaining ground exponentially. We are at the beginning of these changes and we can expect to see some major breakthroughs in treatments for the challenges of aging within a very few years. Some of those changes and discoveries are well into the late stages of the testing process as I write this.

But even though major changes are underway, we still are responsible for our own health and wellness. All the studies seem to indicate that we must still do the basics of exercise, eating healthfully, breathing well, getting plenty of rest and sleep and all the things that keep us healthy and fit now, if we are to take advantage of the breakthroughs that are coming soon.

So, I will continue to post these brief but useful articles, and even start posting some videos about those aspects of Health, Fitness and Personal Energy that we can control to keep our old bodies young, to keep our minds on fire, and to live as Active and Independent Seniors in the Flow of an Ageless Life.

Thank you for staying with me through the transition. There will me more positive things to come. The website is under construction and will be ready in a week or so.

Thank you for reading.