SeniorFlow Moment – “Don’t Let the Old Man In”

I was blown away by an article about Clint Eastwood the other day about how, at age 93 on May 31, he is scheduled to direct a new film called “Juror No. 2”. How is that even possible? Age 93? Directing a brand new movie? Come on.

Amid rumors of health challenges, a bit of osteoporosis, and being off the grid for a year, it seems he has come out on top once again and is fully prepared to accept the challenge of the task ahead.

I looked online to see what he did to keep in such good physical condition, that would allow him to keep so active at age 93. Guess what? A daily exercise program with weights and a very well thought out diet. Sound familiar? At least through early 2022. Like I said above, he was off the grid for a while. But there is one more thing he does that is as important, if not more important, than exercise and diet.

And what is that, you ask? Well in March of 2019, I wrote a blog post about it. It’s one of my all time favorites and I have repeated it below. Here’s the real reason Clint Eastwood can stay so active at nearly age 93:

Energy Bite 279 – “Don’t Let The Old Man In”

Did you know that Clint Eastwood is 88 years old? I first watched him as Rowdy Yates in the old Rawhide TV series starting in 1958. Then came the Spaghetti Westerns (Italian), Dirty Harry and so many more films that he both directed and starred in.

Here’s an interesting story.

Clint Eastwood was playing golf with country music star Toby Keith and Eastwood mentioned that he was 88 years old. Keith asked Eastwood what he planned to do, and Eastwood’s answer was: “I’m going to make another movie”.

Keith then asked how Eastwood kept going at age 88 and Eastwood’s answer was classic:

“ I wake up in the morning and I don’t let the old man in.”

Wow! What an attitude. Attitude is so important in how you handle the aging process. Your mind can have such a powerful influence on how you think about getting older. What you tell yourself about getting older, affects how you actually do it. If you tell yourself that you’re getting old, you’ll get old. If you “don’t allow the old man (or woman) in, then old age will be barred from entry.

Here’s the rest of the story.

Toby Keith was so influenced by what Clint Eastwood had said that he went home and wrote a song about it. He called it “Don’t Let the Old Man In” and sent it to Eastwood. Eastwood liked the song so much, he used in the movie. That movie is called The Mule and was released near the end of 2018 with the song wrapping up the story at the end.

Here’s a link to the song [  Play the music video here ]. If you are now in your senior years, male or female, this song should touch you. If you don’t let the old person in, you’ll live to see a lot more sunshine on earth. The moral of the story is that if you can keep a youthful attitude, you’ll live alive the rest of your life. Keep on “living alive, Clint Eastwood, you still have a long way to go.

On a lighter note, my wife sent the song to some of her woman friends. She got a few replies back that said: “If you’re not going to let the old man in, send him over to me.”

Thank you for reading. But read more below.


Did you listen to the song? Wow! Clint Eastwood, we’ll be watching your new movies when you get to age 100.

Thank you for reading this SeniorFlow Moment.