SeniorFlow Moment – Lesson for the New Year

A friend of mine who lives in Italy, writes a great blog filled with humor and things to think about (link below). Yesterday, one of the snippets from his blog said the following, and I quote:

    “OLD NOTE: (Here’s a note of mine from the 80’s): Do you ever wonder why they write all these articles about Health?  Things people SHOULD know, such as: ‘Move Your Body’, ‘Eat Vegetables’, ‘Get Enough Sleep’… Is everybody stupid?  Here we are 30 years later and we still need to read these things. …especially the one about the vegetables. Now, I know there are new people who keep coming on the scene; but isn’t there any cumulative knowledge about even the simplest of things?”

Yes, we still write about these things. Why? Because people either still haven’t learned the truth to this, OR, they make a promise to themselves that they will move and eat and do everything else right, and start . . . then stop after a month or even sooner. Here we are, a month away from the New Year and many of you are already promising yourselves that you will do all of the above starting with the New Year. Some of you did the same thing last year, too.

You make a promise to yourself, yes even a real commitment, but then you fail to keep the promise you made to yourself. Not just once, but year after year after year.

It’s time for a change. This would be a good year to be realistic. Figure out what you REALLY want for yourself in terms of Health, Fitness and Personal Energy. If you’re over sixty, you probably don’t need to go on a heavy duty exercise program. Just exercise. Move your body. Go for walks. Do some resistance training with inexpensive exercise bands you can get at Target, Walmart, or even Amazon. Get the set with three separate bands so you can start easy and work your way up. Doing this will help keep your muscles from atrophying, you lungs strong and your body flexible.

If you are a bit overweight, you don’t need to go on a crash diet. Just cut out the really bad stuff (sugar mostly) and eat more of the good stuff. That quote above said to “eat your vegetables”. You don’t have to give up meat. Just be moderate about it. Moderation is key in both exercise and diet as you get older.

So, if you make a promise to yourself to take care of yourself, to move more, to eat better and all the good things, then keep your promise. You’ll feel better, have more energy and probably even look a lot better if you do.

Oh, you don’t have to wait until New Years Day to start. What’s wrong with today?

My friend’s blog post cited above can be read here. Sign up to get his blog, I think you will enjoy it. He has a book you can find at Amazon, too. I enjoyed reading it. You might too.

This has been a SeniorFlow Moment. Thank you for reading.

17 thoughts on “SeniorFlow Moment – Lesson for the New Year”

  1. Ирригатор (также известен как оральный ирригатор, ирригатор полости рта или дентальная водяная нить) – это устройство, используемое для очистки полости рта. Оно представляет собой насадку с форсункой, которая использует воду или жидкость для очистки полости рта. Ирригаторы применяются для удаления зубного камня, бактерий и насадок из полости рта, а также для смягчения любых застывших остатков пищи и органических отходов. Ирригаторы применяются для профилактики и лечения различных патологий полости рта. Наиболее распространенные ирригаторы используются для удаления зубного камня, лечения десны, профилактики и лечения воспалений десен, а также для лечения пародонтита. Кроме того, ирригаторы используются для анестезии полости рта, а также для применения антибактериальных препаратов.. Click Here:👉

  2. Yes, start with where one is. And with gentle persistence is the key. One step and one day at a time. It’s a New Day every day.

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